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SE recommendations policy has changed slightly

The changes concern codec choice recommendations which SoundExpert gives on some rating pages. Initially those recommendations could summarize both quality issues and other codec features such as compatibility with hardware players, computational efficiency, popularity, cost and so on

Finally we came to the conclusion that such recommendations can be misleading in some cases because SoundExpert is fully responsible only for measurements of perceived audio quality. We have not enough resources and instruments to monitor all other aspects of codecs usage and thus our opinion on the point could be more or less speculative. We prefer to be experts in our field of expertise only – audio quality.

From today SoundExpert recommendations will concern audio quality exclusively. For compatibility issues, tag support, cost etc. of codecs and other devices/technologies that will be tested at SE in future, please refer to other sources of information. It would be very helpful for us and for SE visitors if you point out some reliable internet resources on the topic in your comments.

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