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Df-measurements of DA/AD loops from Gearslutz forum

Measurements of difference signal can be made with a few software tools nowadays. Probably the first publicly available such tool was the Audio DiffMaker from Liberty Instruments. The latest one is the DeltaWave Audio Null Comparator from Paul K.

Since 2011 the enthusiasts from Gearslutz forum are performing difference measurements of various AD/DA converters and audio interfaces by means of the Audio DiffMaker using 2 min clip of classical music as a test signal. To the moment more than 200 measurements are completed and can be found in this post. As most recordings that were used for computing and measuring difference signal are still available for downloading, I performed standard SE df-measurements for them and computed similarity of their artifact signatures. Resulting 3D map of the tested devices is below (you can zoom and rotate):


The tested devices in similarity space. The closer devices to each other, the more similar their artifact signatures. Colors of devices correspond to their df-measurements. The distance (mean-corrected MAE) of 2 dB is critical for relation of objective measurements to subjective scores. For devices that have close artifact signatures (distance < 2 dB) their perceived sound quality correlates well to df-measurements performed with real-life music material. The numbered list of tested devices is in the end of this article.


Some conclusions:

  • Most tested devices have df-levels around -40 dB and are grouped in two clusters according to similarity of their artifact signatures. Usually devices within a cluster use similar engineering/circuitry solutions.
  • There is a small group of devices with higher precision around -69 dB: Texas Instrument PCM4222 Evaluation Module, Focusrite Blue 245, Forssell MDAC-4, MSB Platinum IV Plus DAC, MSB Platinum Studio ADC, SPL Madison, ReQuest Audio The Beast DAC, Swissonic DA24 MkII


Diffrograms of the tested devices

Df-measurements are computed with 400ms window, so 2 min test clip results in 302 df values. They are color-coded and presented in the form of diffrogram that shows how the test clip is distorted with time by each device(s). Overall df value of a device is represented by median (dB, highlighted in Bold) of these 302 values. Diffrograms can be clicked to enlarge.

The devices are numbered in the same order as they are listed in the original Gearslutz forum post, where you can find some details of the measurements and settings.

While both DiffMaker and SE Matlab code measure the same physical entity - RMS amplitude of difference signal - they use different methods and scales, so resulting measurements have the constant shift of around 13 dB between them (original measurements by DiffMaker are in italics).


AD-DA converters performing from their internal clock

Lynx Hilo [Hilo]
(01) Hilo.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.2321-45.6705-14.5383.png
CoolColJ - 6 last second part disregarded: -0,1 dB (L), -0,1 dB (R) Corr Depth: 41,8 dB (L), 43,7 dB (R), Difference: -59.1 dBFS (L), -59.2 dBFS (R)
(02) Hilo Analog ref lev 0.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.3200-45.7021-35.7222.png
sm5, line in and line out trims set at +0: -0.1 dB (L), -0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 41,8 dB (L), 43,6 dB (R) Difference: -58.9 dBFS (L), -59.0 dBFS (R)
(03) Hilo Analog ref lev 24.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.3191-45.7019-35.7264.png
sm5, level line in and line out trims set at +24: 0.0 dB (L), 0.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 41,8 dB (L), 43,6 RMS Difference: -59.1 dBFS (L), -59.1 dBFS (R)
(04) original2 loop through hilo play muted.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.1501-45.6925-35.2391.png
capn357: 0.0 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 41,8 dB (L), 43,6 dB (R) Difference: -59.1 dBFS (L), -59.1 dBFS (R)

Merging Technologies HAPI [HAPI]
(05) Merging ADA8 to ADA8.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-55.6662-45.4191-33.2643.png
ADA8 ---> ADA8 (ljudatervinning): 0.391dB (L), 0.376dB (R) Corr Depth: 38,5 dB (L), 40,1 dB (R) Difference: -58,9 dBFS (L), -60,3 dBFS (R)
(06) HAPI loopback ok.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.0067-39.3632-30.9891.png
DA8P --> AD8DP (Touf on Pragmatic Audio): 0.08 dB (L), 0.07 dB (R) Corr Depth: 35,9 dB (L), 37,2 dB (R) Difference: -53.0 dBFS (L), -52.8 dBFS (R)
(07) Merging ADA8 to AD8D.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.2151-39.5650-31.3447.png
ADA8 ---> AD8D (ljudatervinning): 0,2 dB (L), 0,2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,2 dB (L), 37,6 dB (R) Difference: -53.1 dBFS (L), -53.0 dBFS (R)

Lynx Aurora(n) [AuroraN]
(08) AuroraN24_int.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.2555-45.4771-35.3466.png
Mikathechou: 1.1 dB (L), 1.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 41,4 dB (L), 43,2 dB (R) Difference: -58.9 dBFS (L), -59.0 dBFS (R)

Antelope Pure2 [Pure2]
(09) Pure2 INT_05.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.4379-43.2115-31.0659.png
Touf on Pragmatic Audio: -0.0 dB (L), -0,2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,3 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.8 dBFS (L), -58.2 dBFS (R)

Apogee Symphony I/0 Mk II [SymphonyMkII]
(10) Symphony mkii -.4.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.5485-43.2271-31.0601.png
Diegel: -0.4 dB (L), -0.4 (R)..Corr Depth: 36,3 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.8 dBFS (L), -58.2 dBFS (R)

Metric Halo LIO-8 [LIO8]
(11) lio_loopback2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.2952-43.1898-31.0788.png
BrianVengeance: 3.0 dB (L), 3.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,4 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.7 dBFS (L), -58.1 dBFS (R)

Metric Halo ULN-8 3d [ULN8]
(12) ULN8 3D into itself.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.3282-43.1856-31.0581.png
Actualsizeaudio: 3.6 dB (L), 3.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,3 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.7 dBFS (L), -58.1 dBFS (R)

MOTU 2408mk3 [MOTU2408]
(13) Test Gerslutz - Motu 2408mk3.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.2862-43.1806-31.0461.png
ram75: 0,1 dB (L), 0,1 dB (R) Corr Depth: 36,3 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56,7 dBFS (L), -58,1 dBFS (R)

MOTU 828 MkII [MOTU828]
(14) MOTU-828MK2_asym.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.2686-43.2019-31.0492.png
laurend: 6.1 dB (L), 6.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 36,4 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.7 dBFS (L) -58.0 dBFS (R)
(15) Original on motu 828 mkii via audiodesk.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.3170-43.1817-7.6998.png
capn357 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,4 dB (L), 38,0 dB (R) Difference: -56.7 dBFS (L), -58.1 dBFS (R)
(16) Motu 828 Mk2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.2625-43.1788-31.0654.png
Xav: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R), Difference: -56.7 dBFS (L), -58.1 dBFS (R)

(17) Motu24ioZAM.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.2896-43.1794-31.0378.png
Zam on Pragmatic Audio: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,3 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.7 dBFS (L), -58.0 dBFS (R)
(18) Test Gerslutz - Motu 24 io.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.3119-43.1774-31.0601.png
ram75: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R) Corr Depth: 36,3 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.7 dBFS (L), -58.1 dBFS (R)

Mytek 8 x 192 AD/DA [Mytek8]
(19) Mytek.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-52.7958-42.2019-29.8534.png
MainTime: 0.4 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R) Corr Depth: 35,3 dB (L), 36,9 dB (R) Difference: -55.8 dBFS (L) -57.1 dBFS (R)
(20) Diffmaker_1stPass-Mytek-Master.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.3219-42.7225-30.4273.png
mudseason: -0.1 dB (L), -0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 35,8 dB (L), 37,4 dB (R) Difference: -56.3 dBFS (L), -57.7 dBFS (R)

Genex GXD8 ---> Genex GXA8 [Genex]
(21) Antoine+Fabi+Null+files+test+export+Genex+GXD8-GXA8_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-49.9898-41.8332-28.5405.png
Antoine Fabi, 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 35,1 dB (L), 36,3 dB (R) Difference: -55.7 dBFS (L), -55.7 dBFS (R)

Antelope Audio Zen Tour [ZenTour]
(22) Antelope audio Zen Tour monitor out ot line in.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-51.6680-41.3784-29.2356.png
esldude: 0.5 dB (L), 0.6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 34,5 dB (L), 36,1 dB (R) Difference: -55.0 dBFS (L), -56.3 dBFS (R)
(23) ZenTour_by_Zek_441_24_MBP_TB_LogicX.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-48.5301-39.9814-29.2276.png
Zek: 0.9 dB (L), 1.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 34,9 dB (L), 36,5 dB (R) Difference: -49.8 dBFS (L), -50.8 dBFS (R)

Lynx Aurora 8 [Aurora8]
(24) aurora8.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-47.5606-41.0884-29.3425.png
cylens: -0,1 dB (L), -0,1 dB (R) Corr Depth: 34,6 dB (L), 36,3 dB (R) Difference: -54.5 dBFS (L) -55.6 dBFS (R)

Lynx Aurora 16 [Aurora16]
(25) aurora 15-16.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-47.5420-41.0741-29.3492.png
Touf on Pragmatic Audio: -0.1dB (L), -0.1dB (R)..Corr Depth: 34,6 dB (L), 36,3 dB (R) Difference: -54.5 dBFS (L), -55.6 dBFS (R)
(26) LynxAurora16-InternalClock.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-47.5253-41.0264-29.3275.png
antichef: -0,1 dB (L), -0,1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 34,6 dB (L), 36,2 dB (R) Difference: -54.5 dBFS (L), -55.5 dBFS (R)

Edirol UA-1000 [UA1000]
(27) UA1000_ADDALoop.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.9862-40.9063-28.8023.png
gollumsluvslave: 0.2 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 34,0 dB (L), 35,6 dB (R) Difference: -54.4 dBFS (L), -55.7 dBFS (R)

RME ADI-2 Pro [ADI2pro]; balanced out to balanced in, LesC:
(28) Sharp_In_Sharp_Out_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-49.5137-40.3876-28.4300.png
Sharp DA - Sharp AD: 0.4 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 33,6 dB (L), 35,2 dB (R) Difference: -53.9 dBFS (L), -55.2 dBFS (R)
(29) Slow_In_Slow_Out_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.1182-40.1368-28.4093.png
Slow DA - Slow AD: 0.4 dB (L), 0.3 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 33,6 dB (L), 35,2 dB (R) Difference: -52.8 dBFS (L), -54.3 dBFS (R)
(30) SD_Sharp_In_SD_Sharp_Out_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.4782-36.8381-22.8101.png
SD Sharp DA - SD Sharp AD: 0.4 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 33,6 dB (L), 35,3 dB (R) Difference: -44.5 dBFS (L), -45.5 dBFS (R)
(31) SD_Slow_In_SD_Slow_Out_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-47.1014-38.3156-27.1622.png
SD Slow DA - SD slow AD: 0.3 dB (L), 0.3 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 33,6 dB (L), 35,2 dB (R) Difference: -47.9 dBFS (L), -48.9 dBFS (R)

RME ADI-2 Pro FS [ADI2proFS]
(32) Symphonic Test Original2 Recorded2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.2067-36.6806-22.7762.png
Archimago, unspecified setting, XLR loopback: 0,2 dB (L), 0,2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 33,6 dB (L), 35,1 dB (R) Difference: -44.3 dBFS (L), -45.4 dBFS (R)

Alesis io|26 [io|26]
(33) Alesis_IO26_dffmkr.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.9432-40.4941-28.6575.png
mistergo: 0.7 dB (L), 0.7 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 33,9 dB (L), 35,6 dB (R) Difference: -53.9 dBFS (L), -55.0 dBFS (R)

TC Electronic Studio Konnekt 48 [Konnect48]
(34) Konnekt 48.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-49.6459-40.0358-27.8441.png
DownSideUp: 13.1 dB (L), 13.2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 33,2 dB (L), 34,8 dB (R) Difference: -53.6 dBFS (L) -54.9 dBFS (R)

Lynx L22 [L22]
(35) L22 .wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.0323-39.9022-27.9136.png
bezen4uk: 2.9 dB (L), 2.9 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 33,0 dB (L), 34,7 dB (R) Difference: -53.5 dBFS (L), -54.7 dBFS (R)

Lynx LynxTWO-B [LynxTwoB]
(36) Lynx Two B.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-49.7488-39.5993-27.6120.png
bezen4uk: 2.8 dB (L), 2.8 dB (R) Corr Depth: 32,7 dB (L), 34,3 dB (R) Difference: -53.2 dBFS (L) , -54.5 dBFS (R)
(37) LynxTWOB_ReRecordedStereo.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-49.9288-39.8042-27.8054.png
mattiasnyc: -0.0 dB (L), -0.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 32,9 dB (L), 34,5 dB (R) Difference: -53.4 dBFS (L) , -54.7 dBFS (R)

ESI Juli@ XTe [Juli@XTe]
(38) Juli DAC - Juli ADC orig.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-49.5268-39.5634-27.4983.png
DUJS: -0.3 dB (L), -0.3 dB (R) Corr Depth: 32,7 dB (L), 34,3 dB (R) Difference: -53.1 dBFS (L), -54.5 dBFS (R)

Lynx E44 [E44]
(39) LynxE44.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.5703-39.1125-27.2420.png
LTrain: -0.0 dB (L), -0.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 32,3 dB (L), 34,1 dB (R) Difference: -52.5 dBFS (L), -53.9 dBFS (R)
(40) LynxE44(1).wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.5703-39.1125-27.2420.png
Zek: -0.1 dB (L), -0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 32,1 dB (L), 33,8 dB (R) Difference: -52.4 dBFS (L), -53.6 dBFS (R)

RME HDSP 9632 [HDSP9632]
(41) RME HDSP 9632.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-48.4058-38.3167-26.2809.png
schtim: 0.5 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R) Corr Depth: 31.4 dB (L), 33.0 dB (R) Difference: -51.9 dBFS (L) -53.2 dBFS (R)

(42) Original2_RME_ADI-8QS_0dB.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.2096-38.1523-26.1437.png
lou latch: 0.0 dB (L), 0.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 31,4 dB (L), 32,9 dB (R) Difference: -51.7 dBFS (L), -52.7 dBFS (R)

Audient iD22 [iD22], through insert returns
(43) Audient iD22 Ins.-Return.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-34.6431-32.5718-25.4513.png
andyfromHH: 0.0 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R) Corr Depth: 32,4 dB (L), 34,3 dB (R) Difference: -45.4 dBFS (L), -46.6 dBFS (R)
(44) ID22 Output 1#2 into inserts loopback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-48.1521-38.0959-26.0966.png
SM5, out 1-2: 1.2 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 24,4 dB (L), 30,5 dB (R) Difference: -51.7 dBFS (L), -53.0 dBFS (R)
(45) ID22 Output 3#4 into inserts looback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-48.0789-38.0148-26.0219.png
Out 3-4: 0.2 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 31,2 dB (L), 32,7 dB (R) Difference: -51.6 dBFS (R), -52.9 dBFS (L)
(46) ID22-To-ID22.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-48.1484-38.1157-26.1407.png
feutche: 0.9 dB (L), 0.9 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 31,3 dB (L), 32,8 dB (R) Difference: -51.7 dBFS (L), -53.0 dBFS (R)

Prism Lyra 1 [Lyra1]
(47) Original2viaLyra1.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.2658-38.1594-25.9560.png
capn357: 0,0 dB (L), -0,0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 31,3 dB (L), 33,1 dB (R) Difference: -51.6 dBFS (L), -53.0 dBFS (R)

Prism Lyra 2 [Lyra2]
(48) Lyra 2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.0977-37.8009-25.6026.png
Shptq: 0,0 dB (L), -0,0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 31,0 dB (L), 32,6 dB (R) Difference: -51.3 dBFS (L), -52.6 dBFS (R)

Prism Orpheus [Orpheus]
(49) Prism.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.0695-37.6642-25.4469.png
MainTime: 0,1 dB (L), 0,1 dB (R) Corr Depth: 30,8 dB (L), 32,4 dB (R) Difference: -51.1 dBFS (L) -52.4 dBFS (R)

Digidesign Digi 002 Rack with Black Lion Audio Signature mod [Digi002R]
(50) Black Lion Audio Modified - Digidesign 002R Signature Series.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-47.4915-37.3016-25.2836.png
jlam, Line Out 7+8 to Line In 7+8: 0.3 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 30,3 dB (L), 32,1 dB (R) Difference: -50.7 dBFS (L), -52.1 dBFS (R)

Universal Audio Apollo 16 mkII [Apollo16]
(51) Apollo16mkii-InternalClock.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-47.4061-37.1144-25.0148.png
antichef: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 30,2 dB (L), 31,8 dB (R) Difference: -50.7 dBFS (L) , -52.1 dBFS (R)

RME Fireface 400 [Fireface400]
(52) Fireface400.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-47.0812-37.0849-25.2116.png
didier.brest: 0.3 dB (L), 0.3 dB (R) Corr Depth: 30,2 dB (L), 31,8 dB (R) Difference: -50.7 dBFS (L), 52.0 dBFS (R)

Merging Anubis Pro [Anubis]
(53) Zek_Merging_Anubis.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-49.6709-41.7906-29.5312.png
Zek, DA filter set to Slow: 0.6 dB (L), 0.6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 37,5 dB (L), 39,2 dB [/URL](R) Difference: -50.5 dBFS (L), -51.5 dBFS (R)
(54) Zek_Merging_Anubis_DA-sharp.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-49.7033-41.6968-29.2822.png
Zek, DA filter set to Sharp: 0.6 dB (L), 0,6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 37,4 dB (L), 39,1 dB (R) Difference: -50.3 dBFS (L), -51.3 dBFS (R)

MOTU Track16 [MOTUTrack16]
(55) Track16 playback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.6687-36.8370-24.8288.png
EvgenyStudio: 7.0 dB (L), 6.9 dB Corr Depth: 30,0 dB (L), 31,5 dB (R) Difference: -50,4 dBFS (L), -51,6 dBFS (R)

Forssell MADA-2 [MADA2]
(56) AuDirFor_loopXLR_ForDirAu_MasForWC.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.2577-36.5031-21.9876.png
Mikathechou (DA converters upgraded to 2a version): 1.0 dB (L), 1.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 29,7 dB (L), 31,3 dB (R) Difference: -50.1 dBFS (L), -51.5 dBFS (R)

Apogee Symphony I/O [Symphony]
(57) Apogee Symphony IO 1x loopback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.1603-38.4330-33.6970.png
Ajantis: 0,0 dB (L), 0,0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 43,4 dB (L), 45,6 dB (R) Difference: -51,2 dBFS (L), -50,1 dBFS dB (R)
(58) Symphony mki -.2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.1627-38.4330-33.6970.png
Diegel -0.2 dB (L), -0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 43,4 dB (L), 45,6 dB (R) Difference: -51.1 dBFS (L), -50.1 dBFS (R)

MOTU 624 [MOTU624]
(59) 624-0+2_LoopBack.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.1633-38.4298-33.6949.png
EdwardZ7, 0dB output and +2dB input: 0.0 dB (L), -0.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 43,4 dB (L), 45,6 dB (R) Difference: -51.1 dBFS (L), -50.1 dBFS (R)

(60) MOTU 16a Loop Test_correctstereo.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.1778-38.4048-33.6922.png
davidbayles: 1.518 dB (L) 1.513 dB (R) Corr Depth: 43,4 dB (L), 45,6 dB (R) Difference: -51.1 dBFS (L), -50.1 dBFS (R)

(61) Motu8a-IN_Out_5-6_by_Zek.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.1608-38.3798-0.3051.png
Zek: 1.2 dB (L), 1.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 43,4 dB (L), 45,7 dB (R) Difference: -51.1 dBFS (L), -50.0 dBFS (R)

Apogee Rosetta 800 [Rosetta800]
(62) 7. Rosetta 800 clocked internally.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.2383-38.2073-33.6892.png
davidbayle: 0.2 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 39,7 dB (L), 41,7 dB (R) Difference: -50.0 dBFS (L), -50.9 dBFS (R)

Apogee Rosetta 200 [Rosetta 200]
(63) Apogee Rosetta 200.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.6982-37.9458-31.4866.png
Winston Tones: -0.1 dB (L), -0.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 37,9 dB (L), 39,8 dB (R) Difference: -50.7 dB (L), -50.0 dB (R)

Prism ADA-8XR [ADA8XR]
(64) Prism ADA-8XR shelterr (GearSlutz).wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.6357-37.8708-31.7659.png
shelterr: -0,03 dB (L), -0,03 dB (R) Corr Depth: 37,5 dB (L), 39,5 dB (R) Difference: -50,7 dBFS(L) -50,0 dBFS(R)

Crane Song HEDD-92 [HEDD92]
(65) Original2 Hedd192.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.4544-37.7163-30.9568.png
Spartacus: 0.5 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R) Corr Depth: 36,6 dB (L), 38,4 dB (R) Difference: -50.7 dBFS (L) , -50.0 dBFS (R)

Antelope Orion Studio Rev2017 [OrionSt]
(66) OrionStudio2017_Line.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.2637-33.1493-22.5125.png
jeamsler, Line Out to Line In: 1.3 dB (L), 1.3 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 27,7 dB (L), 29,3 dB (R) Difference: -43.6 dBFS (L), -44.8 dBFS (R)
(67) OrionStudio2017_mon.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-48.4554-39.9453-29.1500.png
jeamsler, Monitor Out to Line In: 1.3 dB (L), 1.3 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 34,8 dB (L), 36,4 dB (R) Difference: -49.9 dBFS (L), -50.9 dBFS (R)
(68) OrionStudio2017_ReampLine.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-23.8181-15.5390-7.4396.png
jeamsler, Reamp Out to Line In: 6.5 dB (L), 6.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 9,9 dB (L), 9,8 dB (R) Difference: -29.7 dBFS (L), -29.3 dBFS (R)

TC Electronics Impact Twin [ImpactTwin]
(69) impcttwin.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-49.0518-38.9224-26.8742.png
AndG: 0.5 dB (L), 0.8 dB (R) Corr Depth: 32,0 dB (L), 33,6 dB (R) Difference: -52.5 dBFS (L) -53.8 dBFS (R)
(70) Tc Electronic Impact Twin No Clock Recovery.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.8786-35.8268-23.8266.png
Coucou: -0.1 dB (L), -0.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 29,1 dB (L), 30,4 dB (R) Difference: -49.5 dBFS (L), -50.5 dBFS (R)

Echo Audiofire 12 [Audiofire12]
(71) audiofire12.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.4815-35.5622-23.6896.png
guze: 0.7 dB (L), 0.7 dB (R) Corr Depth: 28,8 dB (L), 30,1 dB (R) Difference: -49.2 dBFS (L), -50.3 dBFS (R)

PreSonus RML32AI [RML32AI]
(72) Presonus RML32AI.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.3500-35.2659-23.4880.png
Xav: -0.8 dB (L), -0.7 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 28,4 dB (L), 30,0 dB (R) Difference: -48.8 dBFS (L), -50.1 dBFS (R)

RME Babyface Pro [BabyfacePro]
(73) Babyface Pro XLR Out 1 2 - XLR In 1 2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.5304-33.3812-22.3842.png
EvgenyStudio, XLR out to XLR in: -0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 24,9 dB (L), 32,9 dB (R) (L), Difference: -43.9 dBFS (L), -48.7 dBFS (R)
(74) Babyface Pro Headphones out to Jacks In 3 4.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-48.1970-39.6194-27.9806.png
EvgenyStudio, Headphone out to two TS line in: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 34,9 dB (L), 36,5 dB (R) Difference: -48.8 dBFS (L), -49.8 dBFS (R)

Konnekt Live [KonnektLive]
(75) testfile-konnektlive-result.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-45.0743-35.0466-23.2306.png
livebox: 7.0 dB (L), 7.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 28,2 dB (L), 29,7 dB (R) Difference: -48.6 dBFS (L), -50.0 dBFS (R)

MOTU 828 mk3 hybrid [MOTU828h]
(76) MOTU828mk3.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-40.6525-34.7967-24.3391.png
jeamsler: 3.5 dB (L), 3.5 dB (R) Corr Depth: 29,5 dB (L), 31,3 dB (R) Difference: -48.1 dBFS (L), -48.5 dBFS (R)

Steinberg AXR4T [AXR4T]
(77) Zek_Steinberg_AXR4T_Front_inputs.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.7193-34.6109-22.6434.png
Zek: 0.6 dB (L), 0.6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 27,7 dB (L), 29,3 dB (R) Difference: -48.2 dBFS (L), -49.5 dBFS (R)

Avid HD I/O 16x16 Analog [AvidHDI/O]
(78) Audio 1_01.LR.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-40.3133-34.3106-23.5149.png
Pezzn: -0,0 dB (L), -0,0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 28,8 dB (L), 30,6 dB (R) Difference: -47.7 dBFS (L), -48.1 dBFS (R)

SPL Madison [Madison]
(79) madison.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.1609-34.0933-22.1970.png
funkakuchi on Pragmatic Audio: 0.0 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 27,2 dB (L), 28,8 dB (R) Difference: -47.7 dB (L), -49.0 dB (R)

(80) Untitled_2#01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.0353-34.1933-22.6905.png
eigentone1: 2.5 dB (L), 2.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 27,4 dB (L), 28,9 dB (R) Difference: -47.7 dBFS (L), -49.0 dBFS

SSL Alpha-Link MX 16\-4 [MX164Xt64]
(81) Test 3.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.1966-34.0953-22.3544.png
Sankly: 0,1 dB (L), 0,1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 27,2 dB (L), 28,8 dB (R) Difference: -47.6 dBFS, -48.9 dBFS

(82) Yamaha_Montage_by_Zek.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.6636-33.6954-21.8187.png
Zek: 2.4 dB (L), 2.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 26,8 dB (L), 28,4 dB (R) Difference: -47.3 dBFS (L), -48.6 dBFS (R)

Antelope Orion32 HD [Orion32HD]
(83) Orion 32HD into itself.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.6330-35.3342-24.1835.png
Actualsizeaudio: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 29,4 dB (L), 31,0 dB (R) Difference: -46.8 dBFS (L), -47.9 dBFS (R)

(84) DAD.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.5968-33.3542-22.1737.png
Norm@gear: -0,1 dB (L), -0,1 dB (R) Corr Depth: 27,4 dB (L), 28,9 dB (R) Difference: -46.8 dBFS (L), -47.3 dBFS (R)

Behringer ADA8200 [ADA8200]
(85) BerhingerADA8200.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-40.6054-33.8147-21.9460.png
didier.brest, gain @ 10 o'clock : 4.3 dB (L), 4.6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 27,6 dB (L), 29,2 dB (R) Difference: -46.6 dBFS (L) , -47.7 dBFS (R)

Echo AudioFire 4 [AudioFire4]
(86) Audiofire 4 output 3_4 to input 3_4.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.5161-32.5905-21.2363.png
david1103: 0.5 dB (L), 0.4 dB Corr Depth: 25,6 dB (L), 27,4 dB (R) Difference: -45.9 dBFS (L), -47.5 dBFS (R)

Antelope Audio Eclipse 384 [Eclipse384]
(87) Eclipse DA-AD Loop.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.1993-33.1098-21.2989.png
Giuseppe Zaccaria: -0.1 dB (L), -0.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 26,3 dB (L), 27,8 dB (R) Difference: -46.6 dBFS (L) -47.9 dBFS (R)

Universal Audio Apollo 8 Duo [Apollo8Duo]
(88) Apollo mkii loopback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.6807-35.7679-24.8764.png
Philip Marinelis: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 30,2 dB (L), 31,8 dB (R) Difference: -46.3 dBFS (L), -47.4 dBFS (R)

RME Fireface UFX+ [FirefaceUFX+]
(89) RME UFX+ Original2GS.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.5146-34.0965-22.4001.png
paulthesparky: 0.2 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 28,0 dB (L), 29,5 dB (R) Difference: -46.0 dBFS (L), -47.1 dBFS (R)

Focusrite Red 4Pre [Red4Pre]
(90) FocusriteRed4Pre_out9-10_in7-8.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.5879-34.0830-22.7454.png
jacko: 8,6 dB (L), 8.6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 27,9 dB (L), 29,5 dB (R) Difference: -46.0 dBFS (L), -47.1 dBFS (R)

Echo 2 USB [Echo2]
(91) echo 2 usb_24.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.9482-33.2803-21.8507.png
bezen4UK: 2,3 dB (L), 2,3 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 26,9 dB (L), 28,6 dB (R) Difference: -45.7 dBFS (L), -47.0 dBFS (R)

Universal Audio Apollo Quad [ApolloQuad]
(92) 4. Apollo Quad clocked interally.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.2636-32.2699-21.4867.png
davidbayles: 0.3dB (L), 0.3dB (R). Corr Depth: 26,5 dB (L), 28,0 dB (R). Difference: -45.7 dBFS (L), -46.4 dBFS (R)

E-MU 1616M [EMU1616M]
(93) Original2Loop0.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.1086-32.2718-22.1601.png
vechung: 9.7 dB (L), 9.6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 26,3 dB (L), 28,4 dB (R) Difference: -45.5 dBFS (L), -46.5 dBFS (R)
(94) Original2_E-MU_1616m.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-37.4465-31.3628-21.1846.png
The Tenant: 0.1 dB (L), 0.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 25,5 dB (L), 27,0 dB (R) Difference: -44.8 dBFS (L), -45.5 dBFS (R)

E-MU 1212M [EMU1212M]
(95) emu1212m.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-37.6539-31.5346-20.8796.png
tiberius: 0.9 dB (L), 0.8 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 25,7 dB (L), 27,1 dB (R) Difference: -45.0 dBFS (L), -45.7 dBFS (R)

Mackie Onyx Blackjack [OnyxBlackjack]
(96) MackieBlackJack.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-36.1451-32.0076-24.9744.png
kegn51: 2,9 dB (L), 2,9 dB (R) Corr Depth: 30,5 dB (L), 32,3 dB (R) Difference: -45.1 dB (L), -44.5 dB (R)

M-Audio FireWire 410 [FireWire410]
(97) m_audio_fw410_44k1_24bit_back.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-41.4567-31.4265-19.6551.png
JonasNorberg: 0.2dB (L) 0.2dB (R)..Corr Depth: 24,5 dB (L), 26,2 dB (R) Difference: -44.9 dBFS (L), -46.4 dBFS (R)

M-Audio Profire 2626 [Profire2626]
(98) Profire2626.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-41.1631-31.1995-19.4855.png
cylens: -0.5 dB (L), -0.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 24,4 dB (L), 25,9 dB (R) Difference: -44.8 dBFS (L), -46.1 dBFS (R)

Ferrofish A32 [FerrofishA32]
(99) TEST-LOOP_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-37.8085-31.4418-20.6038.png
mudseason: 05 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 25,7 dB (L), 27,4 dB (R) Difference: -44.8 dBFS (L), -45.4 dBFS (R)

PreSonus Quantum 4848 [Quantum4848]
(100) PresonusQuantum4848.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.6321-35.6912-23.4285.png
Deckdaddy: -0.0 dB (L), -0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 31.2 dB (L), 32.9 dB (R) Difference: -44.6 dBFS (L), -45.7 dBFS

Audient iD44 [Audient iD44]
(101) ID44.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.6802-34.3248-23.9218.png
sm5, 1-2 out to Insert Returns 1-2: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 29,1 dB (L), 30,7 dB (R) Difference: -44.5 dBFS (L), -45.6 dBFS (R)

Echo Audiofire 8 non adat CS4272 [Audiofire8]
(102) audiofire8#3.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-35.3559-30.4774-21.5799.png
guze: 0,8 dB (L), 0,9 dB (R) Corr Depth: 26,4 dB (L), 28,2 dB (R) Difference: -44.0 dBFS (L) -43.9 dBFS (R)

Universal Audio Apollo Twin MkII [ApolloTwinMkII]
(103) Apollo Twin From Main Outs To Line Ins.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-37.6191-31.0531-20.5201.png
EvgenyStudio, Main Outs To Line Ins: 5.9 dB (L), 5.9 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 25,7 dB (L), 27,2 dB (R) Difference: -43.5 dBFS (L), 44.3 dBFS (R)
(104) apollo twin mk2 one last time - heaphones out to line in 16 bit.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.4040-32.0973-20.5079.png
EvgenyStudio, Headphones out to Line Ins: 2.9 dB (L), 2.9 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 25,7 dB (L), 27,3 dB (R) Difference: -44.8 dBFS (L), -46.0 dBFS (R)

(105) RME AIO.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.8987-29.7811-18.2588.png
Touf on Pragmatic Audio: 0.7 dB (L), 0.7 dB (R) Corr Depth: 23,0 dB (L), 24,5 dB (R) Difference: -43,4 dBFS (L) , -44,7 dBFS (R)

RME Multiface II [MultifaceII]
(106) Test-convertissuers-RME-Multiface2-asymetrique.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.7415-29.6599-17.8690.png
juki, Audiofanzine, Unbalanced, -10 dBV: 0.5 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R) Corr Depth: 22,7 dB (L), 24,4 dB (R) Difference: -43.2 dBFS (L) -44.6 dBFS (R)
(107) Test-convertissuers-RME-Multiface2-symetrique.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.2435-29.1632-17.4221.png
juki, Audiofanzine, Balanced, 4 dBu: 0.3 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 22,3 dB (L), 23,9 dB (R) Difference: -42.7 dBFS (L) -44.1 dBFS (R)

E-MU 0404 USB [EMU0404]
(108) e-mu_0404_usb_LoopBack.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.3723-29.3333-17.7661.png
EdwardZ7: 0.0 dB (L), -0.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 22,4 dB (L), 24,1 dB (R) Difference: -42.9 dBFS (L), -44.3 dBFS (R)

RME Fireface 800 [Fireface800]
(109) FF800 INTERNAL CLOCK_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.2631-29.1808-17.4896.png
genelec79: 0.3 dB (L), 0.3 dB (R) Corr Depth: 22,3 dB (L), 23,9 dB (R) Difference: -42.6 dBFS (R), -44.1 dBFS (L)
(110) TEST-LOOP_05.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.2712-29.2102-17.5235.png
mudseason: 0.6 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 22,4 dB (L), 23,8 dB (R), Difference: -42.8 dBFS (L), -44.0 dBFS (R)

Audient ID 14 [AudientID14]
(111) ID14.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.1012-29.0236-17.4218.png
sm5: 8.8 dB (L), 9.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 22,2 dB (L), 23,7 dB (R) Difference: -42.6 dBFS (L), -43.9 dBFS (R)

Universal Audio Apolllo x16 [Apolllo16]
(112) Apollo X16 loopback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-41.0798-32.0229-21.5156.png
Philip Marinelis: 0.4 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 26,7 dB (L), 28,3 dB (R) Difference: -42.4 dBFS (L), -43.5 dBFS (R)

RME Fireface UCX [FirefaceUCX]
johannburkard, unbalanced link through TS cables and back TRS I/Os:
(113) ADDA Loops Edit 1_+4dBu_Take_1.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.1361-29.3272-17.9398.png
reference level +4 dBu: 3.6 dB (L), 3.7 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 22,8 dB (L), 24,3 dB (R) Difference: -42.4 dBFS (L), -43.4 dBFS
(114) ADDA Loops Edit 1_-10dBV_Take_1.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-40.2326-30.4504-19.0667.png
reference level -10 dBV: 3.7 dB (L), 3,7 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 24,0 dB (L), 25,5 dB (R) Difference: -43.4 dBFS (L), -44.6 dBFS

MOTU Traveler MK1 with Black Lion Mod [TravelerMK1]
(115) BlackLionModMOTUTravelerMK1-InternalClock.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.5601-28.2983-16.9642.png
antichef: 2,0 dB (L), 2,0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 21,4 dB (L), 23,0 dB (R) Difference: -41.8 dBFS (L), -43.2 dBFS (R)

MOTU Ultralite [Ultralite]
(116) Motu_Ultralite_Loopback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.2000-27.9446-16.4276.png
dheming: 0.6 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 21,1 dB (L), 22,6 dB (R) Difference: -41.6 dBFS (L), -42.8 dBFS (R)

Antelope Zen Studio [ZenStudio]
(117) Zen set to 0_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.2486-28.0381-16.4675.png
Chris Perra, Gain 0: 16.9 dB (L), 16.8 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 21,1 dB (L), 22,7 dB (R) Difference: -41.6 dBFS (L), -42.9 dBFS (R)
(118) Zen set to 30_03.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.2167-28.0024-16.4437.png
Chris Perra, Gain 15: 2.2 dB (L), 1.2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 20,1 dB (L), 22,5 dB (R) Difference: -41.5 dBFS (L), -42.9 dBFS (R)

Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 [LiquidSaffire56]
(119) LiquidSaffire56_line34.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-33.6760-27.8152-17.5043.png
eugtone: 0.9 dB (L), 1.3 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 21,9 dB (L), 23,1 dB (R) Difference: -41.4 dBFS (L), -41.8 dBFS (R)
(120) Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-31.1361-24.5617-13.6724.png
Melodeath, line output to microphone input + pad: 0.2 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 17,9 dB (L), 19,3 dB (R) Difference: -38.1 dBFS (L), -39.1 dBFS (R)

Steinberg UR824 [UR824]
(121) UR824-kegn51.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-37.7119-27.4924-16.1406.png
kegn51: -0.4 (L), 0.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 20,5 dB (L), 22,2 dB (R) Difference: -41.0 dBFS (L), -42.3 dBFS (R)

Sony Vaio i7@2.2Ghz [SonyVaio]
(122) Vaio i7@2.2GHz.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-37.5429-27.3264-15.5933.png
kegn51: 2.2 dB (L), 2.3 dB (R) Corr Depth: 20,4 dB (L), 22,0 dB (R) Difference: -40.9 dBFS (L) , -42.7 dBFS (R)

SSL Alpha-Link AX [AlphaLinkAX ]
(123) SSL.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-37.2815-27.0828-15.5377.png
eugtone: 0.3 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 20,2 dB (L), 21,8 dB (R) Difference: -40.6 dBFS (L), -42.0 dBFS (R)

TASCAM DA-3000 [DA3000]
(124) DA3000_Loopback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.5118-29.2489-17.6889.png
dheming: 0.5 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 22,5 dB (L), 24,0 dB (R) Difference: -40.5 dBFS (L), -40.8 dBFS (R)

Apogee Duet2 [Duet2]
(125) duet2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-35.7017-26.6867-15.2658.png
isma: 1.0 dB (L), 1.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 19,8 dB (L), 21,4 dB (R) Difference: -40.2 dBFS (L) -41.6 dBFS (R)

Yamaha Steinberg MR816X [MR816X]
(126) MR816_2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-36.4623-26.3249-14.8886.png
didier.brest: 1.1 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R) Corr Depth: 19,1 dB (L), 21,0 dB (R) Difference: -39.9 dB (L), -41.2 dB (R)

Antelope Audio Orion [Orion]
(127) 1. Orion clocked internally.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-36.2909-26.0420-14.5483.png
davidbayle: 0.3 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 19,2 dB (L), 20,7 dB (R) Difference: -39.6 dBFS (L), -40.9 dBFS (R)

MOTU 828es [MOTU828es]
(128) MOTU 828ES 5&6 to 5&6 TRS.wav(44)_warp_LR_400.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-51.6098-43.0362-31.0553.png
sm5, 5-6 TRS out to 5-6 TRS in: 0.2 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 39,3 dB (L), 34,7 dB (R) Difference: -39.6 dBFS (L), -39.6 dBFS (R)

Eventide H8000FW [H8000FW]
(129) Eventide8000FW.wav(44)_warp_LR_400.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-84.2886-76.4993-41.9796.png (not included in 3D similarity spase as its artifact signature substantially [9dB] differs from others; an outlier)
jeamsler: 6.0 dB (L), 6.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 46,6 dB (L), 45,0 dB (R) Difference: -39.6 dBFS (L), -39.6 dBFS (R)

Roland UA-25 [RolandUA25]
(130) UA25.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-35.7186-25.6564-14.8355.png
bezen4uk: 3.9 dB (L), 3.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 18,9 dB (L), 20,3 dB (R) Difference: -39.3 dBFS (L), -40.5 dBFS (R)

Tascam US-144MKII [US144MKII]
(131) Original2viaTASCAMUS144MKii.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-35.5312-25.4980-14.0053.png
capn357: 0,2 dB (L), 0,4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 18,6 dB (L), 20,2 dB (R) Difference: -39.0 dBFS (L), -40.4 dBFS (R)

RME Fireface UFX [Fireface UFX]
(132) UFX_12_34.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-34.9001-25.3985-13.7973.png
didier.brest, XLR outputs 1-2 to TRS inputs 3-4: 0.8 dB (L), 0.7 dB (R) Corr Depth: 18,5 dB (L), 20,1 dB (R) Difference: -39.0 dBFS (L), -40.3 dBFS (R)
(133) UFX.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-34.8829-25.3561-13.7677.png
didier.brest, TRS outputs 5-6 to TRS inputs 3-4: 0.7 dB (L), 0.7 dB (R) Corr Depth: 18,4 dB (L), 20,1 dB (R) Difference: -38.8 dBFS (L), -40.3 dBFS (R)
(134) UFX_12_910.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-31.9148-21.5927-10.3861.png
didier.brest, outputs 1-2 to XLR preamp inputs 9-10: 0.4 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R) Corr Depth: 14,7 dB (L), 16,2 dB (R) Difference: -35.2 dBFS (L) -36.5 dBFS (R)

Digidesign 003 Rack [Digi003R]
(135) 003R_Loopback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-31.9078-25.1464-14.1059.png
dheming: 0.4 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R) Corr Depth: 18,6 dB (L), 20,0 dB (R) Difference: -38.7 dBFS (L), -39.6 dBFS (R)
(136) Digi 003.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-31.9043-25.1198-13.9862.png
Shptq: 0.5 dB (L), 0,5 dB (R) Corr Depth: 18,4 dB (L), 20,2 dB (R) Difference: -38.5 dBFS (L), -39.8 dBFS (R)

(137) 2. MOTU M2 out to MOTU M2 in _ Original2 _ 24_44.1.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-35.1620-24.9177-13.7983.png
manisandher: 0.4 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 18,0 dB (L), 19,7 dB (R) Difference: -38.4 dBFS (L), -39.9 dBFS

Echo AudioFire 2 [AudioFire2]
(138) AudioFire2_Loopback.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-27.9907-24.6209-20.7021.png
dheming: 0.6 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 20,8 dB (L), 21,9 dB (R) Difference: -37.8 dBFS (L), -37.9 dBFS (R)

Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 2nd Gen [Scarlett6i6]
(139) Saffire_6i6.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-30.0794-21.1648-10.1485.png
Susceptor, 1&2 in to 3&4 out: 1.1 dB (L), 1.2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 14,3 dB (L), 15,8 dB (R) Difference: -34.7 dBFS (L), -36.0 dBFS (R)
(140) Saffire 6i6 Out 3+4 to In 3+4.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-31.2757-24.2281-13.0655.png
Susceptor, 3&4 in to 3&4 out: 1.1 dB (L), 1.2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 17,5 dB (L), 19,1 dB (R) Difference: -37.7 dBFS (L), -38.9 dBFS (R)

Behringer XR18 [XR18]
(141) testfile-xr18-result.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-34.3762-23.6690-12.4202.png
livebox: 9.5 dB (L), 9.7 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 16,7 dB (L), 18,3 dB (R) Difference: -37.2 dBFS (L), -38.6 dBFS (R)

Zoom F4 [ZoomF4]
(142) Zoom F4.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-33.4223-23.0609-11.7456.png
sm5, main out in XLR 1-2: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 16,2 dB (L), 17,7 dB (R), Difference: -36.6 dBFS (L), -38.0 dBFS (R)
(143) Zoom 1-2 OUT to 5-6 IN.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-33.1415-22.5916-11.6678.png
sm5, main out in unbalanced stereo TRS 5-6 input: 5,5 dB (L), 5,6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 15,7 dB (L), 17,3 dB (R) Difference: -36.1 dBFS (L), -37.5 dBFS (R)
(144) Zoom SUB OUT to 5-6 IN.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-33.0577-22.6013-11.6866.png
sm5, stereo TRS 3-4 out to 5-6 IN: 0,9 dB (L), 1,0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 15,7 dB (L), 17,3 dB (R) Difference: -36.1 dBFS (L), -37.5 dBFS (R)

Aphex IN2 [AphexIN2]
(145) Aphex In2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-33.2101-23.0580-11.4872.png
ben: -0.3 dB (L), 0.3 dB (R) Difference: -36.6 dBFS (L), -38.0 dBFS (R)

Lavry Blue [Lavry Blue]
(146) lavry crystal.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-33.9782-23.6522-12.1413.png
Touf on Pragmatic Audio, Modes Crystal and Narrow: 0,2 dB (L), 0,2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 16,8 dB (L), 18,3 dB (R) Difference -36,5 dBFS (L) , -37,5 dBFS (R)

Asus 11.6" budget laptop [AsusLaptop]
(147) 11_inch_buget_ASUS_internal_soundcard.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-32.9221-22.3486-11.4196.png
kegn51: 1,3 dB (L), 1,7 dB (R) Corr Depth: 15,5 dB (L), 17,0 dB (R) Difference: -35,2 dBFS (L) , -36,2 dBFS (R)

Edirol FA-66 [EdirolFA66]
(148) FA-66.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-30.8635-21.7293-10.9470.png
didier.brest: 1.0 dB (L), 0.6 dB (R) Corr Depth: 15,6 dB (L), 17,1 dB (R) Difference: -34.5 dBFS (L) -35.5 dBFS (R)

MOTU MicroBook [MicroBook]
(149) MOTU-Microbook.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-31.0210-21.1658-11.4884.png
feutche: 3.7 dB (L), 3.7 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 14,6 dB (L), 16,2 dB (R) Difference: -34.2 dBFS (L), -35.5 dBFS (R)

Sound Devices MixPre-10T [MixPre10T]
(150) Sound Devices Mixpre-10T x1x2 out aux in.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-26.5842-20.2533-10.6268.png
sm5, x1/x2 1/8" out into 1/8" Aux in: 0.7 dB (L), 0.6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 14,2 dB (L), 15,5 dB (R) Difference: -33.5 dBFS (L), -33.5 dBFS (R)
(151) MIXPRE LR to 12 xlr.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-26.0211-15.4330-6.3038.png
sm5, L/R Mini XLR to 1/2 XLR: 0.2 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 8,7 dB (L), 10,3 dB (R) Difference: -29.1 dBFS (L), -30.4 dBFS (R)

Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 [Scarlett2i2]
(152) Scarlet 2i2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-20.6678-18.2227-16.0506.png
EvgenyStudio: 15,5 dB (L), 15,5 dB (R)Corr Depth: 19,3 dB (L), 23,6 dB (R) Difference: -32,4 dBFS (L), -31,7 dBFS (R)

Line 6 POD Studio UX2 [StudioUX2]
(153) Line 6 UX2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-28.8268-17.8301-9.0815.png
Piux: -0,5 dB (L), -0,4 dB (R) Corr Depth: 11,0 dB (L), 12,5 dB (R) Difference: -30.6 dBFS (L) -31.6 dBFS (R)

RME Babyface [Babyface]
(154) Babyface_3.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-26.8970-16.0375-7.3804.png
didier.brest: 0.4 dB (L), 0.5 dB (R) Corr Depth: 9,2 dB (L), 10,8 dB (R) Difference: -29.6 dBFS (L) -30.9 dBFS (R)


External clocking

MOTU 828 MkII clocked by Lynx Hilo [MOTU828@Hilo]
(155) Original2motuloopclkdbyhilo.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.2871-43.1804-30.9241.png
capn357: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,3 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.7 dBFS (L), -58.1 dBFS (R)

Mytek 8x192 ADDA clocked by another Mytek 8x192 ADDA [Mytek8@~]
(156) diffmaker_1stPass-Mytek-Slaved.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-52.7915-42.1764-29.8917.png
mudseason: -0.1 dB (L), -0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 35,3 dB (L), 36,9 dB (R) Difference: -55.7 dBFS (L), -57.2 dBFS (R)

Audient iD22 clocked by RME Digiface [AudientiD22@DigiF]
(157) ID22-To-ID22-Clocked-By-Digiface.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-48.1497-38.1157-26.1429.png
feutche: 0.9 dB (L), 0.9 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 31,3 dB (L), 32,8 dB (R) Difference: -51.7 dBFS (L), -53.0 dBFS (R)

Behringer ADA8200 clocked by RME Digiset [ADA8200@Digiset]
(158) Behri set to 11_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-40.6285-33.8700-21.8921.png
Chris Perra, Gain @ 11 o'clock: 6.0 dB (L), 5.5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 25,5 dB (L), 29,0 dB (R) Difference: -46.6 dBFS (L), -47.7 dBFS (R)

Behringer ADA8000 clocked by RME Fireface UFX [ADA8000@FirefUFX]
(159) ADA 8000 preamp 0.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.5651-30.9165-17.7888.png
Krisprolls on Pragmatic Audio, minimum gain : 13,4 dB (L), 13,4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 24,4 dB (L), 25,9 dB (R) Diff. -44,0 dBFS (L) , -45,3 dBFS (R)
(160) ADA 8000 preamp 4 compense manuelle.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.9658-30.2611-17.3891.png
Krisprolls on Pragmatic Audio, gain @ 4 : 1,2 dB (L), 1,4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 23,9 dB (L), 25,5 dB (R) Diff. -42,3 dBFS (L) , -44,5 dBFS (R)

RME OctaMic XTC clocked by RME Fireface UFX [OctaMicXTC@FirefUFX]
(161) 1.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.8741-29.6958-18.1079.png
Loicm on Pragmatic Audio, unbalanced phone output to unbalanced instrument inputs 5-6, 13 dB gain: 1,0 dB (L), 1,0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 22,8 dB (L), 24,4 dB Difference: -43.3 dBFS (L), -44.6 dBFS (R)
(162) 2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-36.4548-26.2752-14.8043.png
Loicm on Pragmatic Audio, balanced line inputs 1-2, 10 dB gain: 4,5 dB (L), 4,5 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 19,4 dB (L), 21,0 dB (R) Difference: -39.8 dBFS (L), -41.2 dBFS (R)

MOTU Traveler MK1 clocked by Lynx Aurora 16 or Black Lion Micro Clock mk1 [Traveler@Aurora]
(163) BlackLionModMOTUTravelerMK1-LynxAurora16Clock.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.5843-28.3126-17.0157.png
antichef: 2,0 dB (L), 2,0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 21,4 dB (L), 23,0 dB (R) Difference: -41.1 dBFS (L), -42.1 dBFS (R)


Separate converters, synchronised mode

'master' indicates which converter delivers the master clock when the information is available

Forssell MDAC-4 ----> Focusrite Blue 245 master [MDAC4>Blue245-m]
funkakuchi on Pragmatic Audio = funka on Gearslutz:
(164) Forssell MDAC4 - Focusrite AD 245 (master)_DCoff.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-72.9098-67.7212-55.5849.png
Focusrite sensitivity 0 dBFS = 16 dBu: 0.1 dB (L), 0.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 64.7 dB (L), 65.7 dB (R) Difference: -78.0 dBFS (L) -78.0 dBFS (R)
(165) Forssell DAC from AD245(master) bis -20 dbu.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-74.8529-69.9476-54.6983.png
Focusrite sensitivity 0 dBFS = 20 dBu, serial number = 10: 4.0 dB (L), 4.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 66.9 dB (L), 69.8 dB (R) Difference: -81.3 dBFS (L) -81.1 dBFS (R)
(166) Forssell MDAC-AD245 sn53 wc master_01.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-73.4507-68.2952-54.4116.png
Focusrite sensitivity 0 dBFS = 20 dBu, serial number = 53: 3.9 dB (L) 4.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 69,4 dB (L), 71,5 dB (R) Difference: -80.2 dB (L), -80.2 dB (R)

MSB Platinum IV Plus DAC ---> MSB Studio ADC master [PlatinumIV>StudioADC-m]
(167) MSB Platinum IV Plus DAC - MSB Studio ADC orig.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-72.1667-68.3374-54.3722.png
DUJS: 4.9 dB (L), 4.9 dB (R) Corr Depth: 62,8 dB (L), 63,4 dB (R) Difference: -79.8 dBFS (L), -80.8 dBFS (R)

SPL Madison ---> Focusrite Blue 245 master [Madison>Blue245-m]
(168) madison-AD245.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-76.1935-69.1550-54.1043.png
funka: 4.0 dB (L), 4.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 68,5 dB (L), 68,7 dB (R) Difference: -79.2 dBFS (L), -79.2 dBFS (R)

ReQuest Audio The Beast DAC master ---> MSB Platinum Studio ADC [BeastDAC-m>PlatinumSt]
(169) ReQuest Beast Soul DAC - MSB Studio ADC orig.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-71.0213-66.9507-53.5505.png
DUJS: 4.5 dB (L), 4.4 dB (R). Corr Depth: 62,0 dB (L), 63,4 dB (R) Difference: -78.5 dBFS (L), -77.7 dBFS (R)

Swissonic DA24 MkII ---> Texas Instrument PCM4222 Evaluation Module master [DA24MkII>PCM4222EVM-m]
(170) Swiss_EVM_1-2kres.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-75.5627-64.6181-51.1182.png
living sounds, DC filter off: 0,1 dB (L), 0,1 dB (R) Corr Depth: 82,6 dB (L), 85,5 dB (R) Difference: -73.0 dBFS (L), -73.8 dBFS (R)

SPL Madison ---> Texas Instrument PCM4222 Evaluation Module master [Madison>PCM4222EVM-m]
(171) Madison_EVM.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-77.4194-71.0548-57.9201.png
living sounds, details of the clocking, DC filter off: 0.2 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R) Corr Depth: 78,7 dB (L), 81,2 dB (R) Difference: -74.4 dBFS, -72.2 dBFS

ESI Juli@ XTe DAC ---> MSB Studio ADC master [Juli@XTe>StudioADC-m]
(172) Juli DAC - MSB Studio ADC orig.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-60.3626-52.8186-28.7025.png
DUJS: 1.6 dB (L), 1.6 dB (R) Corr Depth: 46,0 dB (L), 48,0 dB (R) Difference: -66.1 dBFS (L), -67.6 dBFS (R)

Zod Audio modded Ross Martin Audio AES8 ---> Metric Halo ULN-8 3d master [RossMartin>Halo-m]
(173) ZOD 8 into ULN3D (master).wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.4635-43.2159-31.0677.png
Actualsizeaudio: -0,1 dB (L), 0,3 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,1 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.8 dBFS (L), -58.2 dBFS (R)

Lynx Hilo with SRC 88.2 master ---> MOTU 828 MkII [Hilo-m>MOTU828]
(174) motou44.1spdiftohilo88.2tomotu.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.2389-43.2167-31.0373.png
capn357: 0.3 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,3 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.8 dBFS (L), -58.2 dBFS (R)

MOTU 828 MkII USB ---> MOTU 828 MkII Firewire master [MOTU828U>MOTU828F-m]
(175) original2outmotuusbinmotufwclkedbyfw.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-53.2943-43.1813-30.9408.png
capn357: 0.1 dB (L), 0.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,3 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -56.7 dBFS (L), -58.1 dBFS (R)

Forssell MADA-2 2-a ---> Texas Instrument PCM4222 Evaluation Module master [MADA2>PCM4222EVM-m]
(176) Forssell_PCM4222_AESfromPCM4222.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-52.8864-42.9835-30.9906.png
Mikathechou: 0.7 dB (L), 0.7 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,1 dB (L), 37,7 dB (R) Difference: -56.5 dBFS (L), -57.9 dBFS (R)

Metric Halo LIO-8 ---> Burl B2 Bomber ADC [LIO8>B2Bomber]
(177) LIO-8 without output jumpers to Burl B2 (Master WC) -16db input.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-51.7664-42.0818-29.8056.png
Antoine Fabi, B2 WC master: -14 dB / -16 dB B2 input: 1,8 dB / 3,8 dB (L), 1,8 / 3,8 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 35,3 dB (L), 36,8 dB (R), Difference: -55.7 dBFS (L), -57.0 dBFS (R)

Genex GXD8 --> Burl B2 Bomber ADC master through AES [GXD8>B2Bomber-m]
(178) Genex to Burl Master clock Burl#02.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-51.0402-41.1955-27.6018.png
Antoine Fabi: 2.0 dB (L), 2.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 34,3 dB (L), 36,1 dB (R) Difference: -54.8 dBFS (L), -55.6 dBFS (R)

Swissonic DA24 Mk2 ---> Audient iD22 master [DA24Mk2>iD22-m]
(179) DA24-To-Audient-Master.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-51.2067-41.0919-29.0235.png
fedor.tche: 0.9 dB (L), 1.0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 34,2 dB (L), 35,8 dB (R) Difference: -54.6 dBFS (L), -56.0 dBFS (R)

Lynx Aurora 16 ---> Focusrite Blue 245 master [Aurora16>Blue245-m]
(180) Aurora 16 DAC - AD 245 (master).wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-52.1418-41.1684-35.9933.png
funkakuchi on Pragamatic Audio: 0,04 dB (L), 0,02 dB (R) Corr Depth: 63,4 dB (L), 62,2 dB (R) Difference: -53.4 dBFS(L) -52.5 dBFS(R)

Lynx Aurora ---> Texas Instrument PCM4222 Evaluation Module master [Aurora>PCM4222EVM-m]
(181) Aurora_PCM4222_AESfromPCM4222.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.8949-38.1157-30.7925.png
Mikathechou: 1.1 dB (L), 1.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,1 dB (L), 37,5 dB (R) Difference: -51.2 dBFS (L), -50.9 dBFS (R)

Genex GXD8 --> Dangerous Music CONVERT-AD+ master through AES [GXD8>ConvertAD+m]
(182) Genex to AD+ Master clock AD+#02.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-47.6913-37.3294-24.4323.png
Antoine Fabi: 0.4 dB (L), 0.4 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 30,4 dB (L), 32,1 dB (R) Difference: -50.8 dBFS (L), -52.1 dBFS (R)

Lynx Hilo master ---> MOTU 828 MkII USB [Hilo>MOTU828U-m]
(183) original2outhiloinmotuusbckldbyhilo.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.8549-38.1151-30.5741.png
capn357: 2.3 dB (L), 2.3 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,1 dB (L), 37,5 dB (R) Difference: -51.2 dBFS (L), -50.8 dBFS (R)

Focusrite Scarlett 18i20 (1rst generation) ---> Antelope Zen Tour [Scarlett18i20>ZenTour]
(184) 18i20 zt clk lock.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-41.2756-37.2228-28.6194.png
esldude: -0.2 dB (L), -0.2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 34,3 dB (L), 36,2 dB (R) Difference: -50.7 dBFS (L), -50.3 dBFS (R)

MOTU 828 MkII ---> Lynx Hilo master [MOTU828MkII>Hilo-m]
(185) original2 out motu in hilo trim20 clkd by hilo.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.6030-38.4546-28.2076.png
capn357: 1.6 dB (L), 1.6 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 42,4 dB (L), 44,5 dB (R) Difference: -51.2 dBFS (L), -50.2 dBFS (R)

Emotiva XMC-1 ---> Lynx Hilo master [XMC1>Hilo-m]
(186) xmc-1tohilo18dbtrimclkedbyhilocoaxasio2dbvol.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.3143-38.3212-26.7992.png
capn357: 0.2 dB (L), 0.2 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 41,7 dB (L), 43,8 dB (R) Difference: -51.0 dBFS (L), -50.0 dBFS (R)

Lavry DA924 ---> Lavry AD122-96MkII clocked by Antelope Isochrone Trinity + Antelope Isochrone 10M [DA924>AD12296MkII]
(187) Lavry Gold.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.5530-36.4199-24.3888.png
Winston Tones: 0,0 dB (L), 0,0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 29,6 dB (L), 31,1 dB (R) Difference: -50.0 dBFS (L), -51.3 dBFS (R)

Zod Audio modded Ross Martin Audio AES8 ---> Zod Audio modded RMA PCM4222 slave to Metric Halo ULN-8 3d [AES8DAC>PCM4222]
(188) ZOD 8 into ZOD2 (slave to ULN8).wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.2058-36.0724-24.0743.png
Actualsizeaudio: 3.7 dB (L), 4.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 29,2 dB (L), 30,8 dB (R) Difference: -49.6 dBFS (L), -51.0 dBFS (R)

Ross Martin Audio AES8 DAC ---> Ross Martin Audio PCM4222ADC master [AES8DAC>PCM4222ADC-m]
(189) RMA Dac (slave) to PCM4222 (master).wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.1354-36.0583-24.1626.png
Actualsizeaudio: 2.4 dB (L), 2.1 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 29,3 dB (L), 30,7 dB (R) Difference: -49.7 dBFS (L), -50.9 dBFS (R)

Forssell MDAC-4 ---> Forssell MADC-2 (1st version) master [MDAC4>MADC2-m]
(190) 02-Forssell loop-140217_1935.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-46.5444-36.4571-24.4736.png
funkakuchi on Pragmatic Audio: 0,5dB (L), 0,5 dB (R) Corr Depth: 29,6 dB (L), 31,1 dB (R) Difference: -49,2 dB (L), -50,3 dB (R)

Forssell MADA-2 ---> Aurora 16-VT master [MADA2>Aurora16-m]
(191) Forssell_Aurora_clockIntAurora.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-41.4958-36.3289-27.6692.png
Mikathechou: 1.0 dB (L), 1.0 dB (R) Corr Depth: 32,7 dB (L), 34,5 dB (R) Difference: -46.2 dBFS (L), -46.2 dBFS (R), Difference: -49.6 dBFS (L) -49.4 dBFS (R)

Tascaml UH-7000 ---> Lynx Hilo master [UH7000>Hilo-m]
(192) Tascam UH-7000 DA to Lynx Hilo AD (master) to digital in of Tascam.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-42.4532-37.7077-31.0485.png
sm5: 1,0 dB (L), 1,0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 36,7 dB (L), 38,5 dB (R) Difference: -46.2 dBFS (L), -45.9 dBFS (R)

Audient ID 14 ---> Lynx Hilo [AudientID14>Hilo]
(193) Hilo adat to ID14 to Hilo Analog In (Hilo master).wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.3928-31.8183-20.5745.png
sm5: 5.8 dB (L), 5.8 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 25,4 dB (L), 27,1 dB (R) Difference: -45.3 dBFS (L), -46.2 dBFS (R)

Emotiva XDA-1 ---> Prism Lyra 1 [XDA1>Lyra1]
(194) Original2viaXDA-1lyra1lowinputampexcablebtusbdigoutlyra1#2.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.6611-32.1607-20.8727.png
capn357: 0,0 dB (L), 0,0 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 25,8 dB (L), 27,7 dB (R) Difference: -44.7 dBFS (L), -45.5 dBFS (R)

Lynx Aurora 16-VT --->_Forssell MADA-2 master [Aurora16>MADA2-m]
(195) Aurora_Forssell_WC-Forssell.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.8410-34.6240-24.5616.png
Mikathechou: 1.1 dB (L), 1,1 dB (R) Corr Depth: 29,6 dB (L), 31,1 dB (R) Difference: -44.3 dBFS (L), -44.4 dBFS (R) Difference: -48.0 dBFS (L), -48.3 dBFS (R)

Tascam DA3000 ---> Mytek Stereo 192 ADC master [DA3000>MytekS-m]
(196) DA3000_Mytek(Master).wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.6737-33.8231-22.7333.png
dheming: 3,4 dB (L), 3,3 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 27,0 dB (L), 28,3 dB (R) Difference: -39.9 dBFS (L), -39.4 dBFS (R)

Digidesign Rack ---> Mytek Stereo 192 ADC master [DigiR>MytekS-m]
(197) 003Rack_Mytek(Master).wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-34.3323-24.5051-13.1751.png
dheming: 0,7 dB (L), 0,7 dB (R)..Corr Depth: 17,7 dB (L), 19,0 dB (R) Difference: -38.1 dBFS (L), -39.1 dBFS (R)


Separate converters, unsynchronized mode

the DA and AD converters run each on its own clock

Lynx Aurora ---> Texas Instrument PCM4222 Evaluation Module [Aurora>PCM4222EVM]
(198) Aurora88_EVM.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-69.4516-54.3958-39.0164.png
Aurora clock at 88.2 kHz: 0.3 dB (L), 0.3 dB (R). rate adj=1,0352 ppm.Corr Depth: 65,9 dB (L), 69,9 dB (R) Difference: -65.4 dBFS (L), -66.2 dBFS (R)

Benchmark DAC2 HGC ---> Mytek Stereo 192 ADC [DAC2HGC>MytekS]
(199) DAC2_Mytek192.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-52.5419-42.3526-30.1894.png
dheming: 4,1 dB (L), 4,1 dB (R). rate adj=4,4143 ppm.Corr Depth: 36,1 dB (L), 38,1 dB (R) Difference: -56.9 dBFS (L), -58.2 dBFS (R)

March Audio DAC1 ---> Antelope Audio Zen Tour [DAC1>ZenTour]
(200) March DAC into Zen Tour.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.8865-41.2332-29.1514.png
esldude: 1,0 dB (L), 0,9 dB (R). rate adj=-0,8183 ppm.Corr Depth: 35,0 dB (L), 37,0 dB (R) Difference: -55.6 dBFS (L), -56.9 dBFS (R)

Forssell MDAC-4 ---> Alesis MASTERLINK ML-9600 [MDAC4>ML9600]
(201) Forssell MDAC-Masterlink- AD245 clock master for aurora-MDAC - masterlink int clock.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-50.6652-40.6636-28.4954.png
funkakuchi on Pragmatic Audio: 1,1 dB (L), 1,2 dB (R). rate adj=7,8413 ppm.Corr Depth: 34,6 dB (L), 36,2 dB (R) Difference: -55.3 dBFS (L), -56.5 dBFS (R)

Benchmark DAC2 HGC ---> Digidesign Rack [DAC2HGC>DigiR]
(202) DAC2_003R.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-41.7863-37.0504-29.1267.png
dheming: 5,5 dB (L), 5,5 dB (R). Rate adjustment unnecessary.Corr Depth: 35,5 dB (L), 37,9 dB (R) Difference: -49.4 dBFS (L), -49.2 dBFS (R)

Akai Z8 ---> E-MU 1212M [AkaiZ8>EMU1212M]
(203) z8emu.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-43.8492-33.7444-21.8241.png
tiberius: 2,7 dB (L), 3,1 dB (R). rate adj=2,7931 ppm.Corr Depth: 27,3 dB (L), 29,7 dB (R) Difference: -47.9 dBFS (L), -49.6 dBFS (R)

LG V30 ---> MOTU 828 MkII [LGV30>MOTU828MkII]
(204) original2outlgv30inmotu1.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-52.4136-43.0724-24.1891.png
capn357: 2,2 dB (L), 2,2 dB (R). rate adj=-17,3159 ppm.Corr Depth: 30,6 dB (L), 30,5 dB (R) Difference: -48.6 dBFS (L), -47.6 dBFS (R)

MOTU Ultralite ---> Mytek Stereo 192 ADC [MOTUUltra>MytekS]
(205) Ultralite_Mytek.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-52.9438-42.7334-29.2274.png
dheming: 1,5 dB (L), 1,5 dB (R). rate adj=0,0474 ppm.Corr Depth: 36,8 dB (L), 39,1 dB (R) Difference: -46.9 dBFS (L), -46.2 dBFS (R)

Benchmark DAC2 HGC ---> Marantz PMD661 [DAC2HGC>PMD661]
(207) DAC2_PMD661.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-39.4743-29.3257-16.7121.png
dheming: 4,1 dB (L), 4,5 dB (R). rate adj=14,8525 ppm.Corr Depth: 23,0 dB (L), 25,1 dB (R) Difference: -43.8 dBFS (L), -45.2 dBFS (R)

TASCAM DA-3000 ---> Mytek Stereo 192 ADC [DA3000>MytekS]
(208) DA3000_Mytek.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-44.6648-33.8309-22.6994.png
dheming: 3,4 dB (L), 3,3 dB (R). rate adj=0,0426 ppm.Corr Depth: 27,7 dB (L), 29,3 dB (R) Difference: -42.8 dBFS (L), -42.7 dBFS (R)

Benchmark DAC2 HGC ---> TASCAM DA-3000 [DAC2HGC>DA3000]
(209) DAC2_DA3000.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-40.5847-30.4116-18.7511.png
dheming: 3,1 dB (L), 3,0 dB (R). rate adj=0,0750 ppm.Corr Depth: 24,0 dB (L), 25,9 dB (R) Difference: -42.5 dBFS (L), -43.0 dBFS (R)

Benchmark DAC2 HGC ---> MOTU Ultralite [DAC2HGC>MOTUUltra]
(210) DAC2_Ultralite.wav(44)__Original2.flac(44)__mono_400-38.1681-27.9152-16.3729.png
dheming: 5,1 dB (L), 5,0 dB (R). rate adj=0,0102 ppm.Corr Depth: 21,7 dB (L), 23,6 dB (R) Difference: -42.3 dBFS (L), -43.6 dBFS (R)



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